Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates

Primary uniform

Our uniform can be purchased from our supplier School Uniform Direct, School Uniform Direct, Unit 5 Mitcham Industrial Estate, Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AP.   

Nursery, Reception and Year 1

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Light blue polo shirt or shirt
  • Navy jogging bottoms
  • Navy  PE shorts
  • Plain black shoes or trainers

PE and Games Uniform for Reception and Year 1

  • PE tee-shirt (in relevant house colour)

Years 2-6 Uniform

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Light blue polo shirt or shirt
  • Grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore
  • Grey or navy socks or tights
  • Plain black shoes (no black trainers please)
  • Light blue/white gingham summer dresses

PE and Games Uniform for Years 2-6

  • House colour PE tee-shirt (in relevant house colour)
  • Navy or black PE shorts
  • Navy or black tracksuit bottoms
  • Grey or navy socks
  • Plimsoles or trainers
  • School PE fleece (available from School Uniform Direct)


  • Book-bag for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Please ensure children in Years 1-6 are wearing plain black shoes ONLY – no black trainers.

Optional (All available from School Uniform Direct)

  • School Water-bottle
  • School navy, reversible coat
  • School book-bag
  • School PE bag
  • School backpack
  • Summer caps and hats

Jewellery and hair styles  

  • A watch (KS2 children)
  • One pair of small plain (gold/silver/clear) studs in the ear only. 
  • No extreme hair styles and colours.
  • Natural colours only for hair.
  • No make-up or nail varnish. 

You can purchase pre-loved school uniform from the PTFA. 
Be sustainable, reduce waste and raise money from the school. All pre-loved uniform is in good condition and has kindly been donated by parents/carers. The PTFA run pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year. Please check Woody News for dates. 
Contact woodmansterne.ptfa@gmail.com for availability and sizes.



Pupils and parents are responsible for their personal property and possessions while on school premises or engaged in school activities. Any bikes, scooters, trainers, phones, watches or sentimental items brought from home (this list is not exhaustive) are left entirely at parents’/pupils' risk. The school cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage.

* = Compulsory items

Nursery, Reception and Year 1

* Can only be purchased from School Uniform Direct  SUD Price 
*Woodmansterne Jumper with school logo £12.95
*Woodmansterne polo or plain blue polo

SUD Woodmansterne Polo £9.49 


The plain blue polo shirt does not have to be purchased from SUD

Plain navy blue jogging bottoms (no logos)

These do not need to be purchased from SUD.
Plain navy blue cotton shorts 

These do not need to be purchased from SUD

*House colour PE shirt  

 (Not required for Nursery children)

SUD  £7.49

Plain black trainers 

These do not need to be purchased from SUD


Year 2- 6 

All from School Uniform Direct 

SUD Price 


*Woodmansterne Jumper 



Woodmansterne polo or plain blue polo

 £9.49 or different prices at other stores


Grey trousers 


 £13.99 or different prices at other stores

 Grey shorts 

 £7.49 or different prices at other stores

 Grey skirt (pleated or unpleated)

 £6.49 or different prices at other stores

 *House colour PE shirt 




Woodmansterne sports fleece
