Woodmanstern Primary

Parent Pay Term Dates

Peer Mediators

The Woody peer mediators are invaluable, they volunteer their own playtimes to help and support their peers to have a happy playtime.

The peer mediators role within the school is to encourage positive play, help children who are having friendship problems to play together or simply help children feel included and happy during playtimes.

The peer mediators are fantastic at keeping an eye on children who find playtimes a bit lonely and work to get them involved in activities and help them to build their confidence and friendships. Woody peer mediators are well known to the children and are very approachable. Children of all ages feel confident in approaching them or talking to them if approached and are confident to share their anxieties, worries or concerns. Our peer mediators are also quick to highlight to staff any children that they are worried about.

Our peer mediators know the important role they play at Woodmansterne, they are aware of the benefits to their peers but also to themselves, such as building their self esteem and confidence.

We are very proud of our mediators and the amazing work they do at Woodmansterne, especially as this requires them to volunteer their own playtimes to help others.

 Peer Mediator