Woodmansterne PTFA
Woodmansterne school receives additional money through fundraising by the Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA). Over the past few years our fundraising events have included a disco and movie night for the children, a Christmas and Summer fair, a quiz night for parents and school staff as well as many cake and ice cream sales after school.
Each year money raised by the PTFA pays for all children in the school to go on trips free of charge so no child is disadvantaged, fruit given to children in years 3-6, as this is not supplied by Government funding and other extras. Without the PTFA these events/experiences would not happen.
All parents with children at the school are automatically part of the PTFA and welcome to join in with the fundraising. We are a friendly bunch who would like more parents to be involved.
Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.
How can you help?
- Sign up to your child's class WhatsApp group.
- Become a class rep, we need two per class.
- The class rep role involves sharing information about PTFA activities with other parents' through a class WhatsApp group and encouraging your fellow class parents to help out at fundraising events
- Attend the parent forum where the PTFA activities will be a standing item - the parent forum is a great way to find out what is happening at school.
- Volunteer at an event - if everyone volunteered for one hour over the academic year we could run many events and raise more money for our school.
- You can donate any amount at any time by going here
- Sign up to the websites below which pay a small commission to the PTFA:
Fundraise while you shop!
WoodyPTFA can now earn cashback on orders at Amazon. You can either enter the website here Or if you have the amazon app, go to settings and set Friends of Woodmansterne School as the charity you wish to support. This will mean that for every eligible item, we will receive 0.5% in cashback.
Raise donations for charities whenever you shop online. We are listed as "Friends of Woodmansterne School - Streatham Vale". It is very easy to set up just like other cashback websites.
Stamptastic is the fastest way to name your kids belongings. Step away from the ironing board and put that needle and thread away. Stamp instead with Stamptastic. Stamptastic’s magic ink withholds 50 washes on care labels without fading. Customise your Personalised Name Stamps online. Don’t forget to use your PTA code "SW165XE" or just click here: to earn commission for your PTFA.
School labels stickers for all uniform that last with no ironing or sewing required. Woody PTFA will receive up to 15% commission for each order placed at Stikins, please quote our school fundraising number "25850" in your order form online.
If you would like more information on how the PTFA works, how you can get involved or have any ideas, please either catch us in the playground, come along to a meeting or email us at woodmansterne.ptfa@gmail.com or like us on Facebook: woodmansternePTFA and follow us on Twitter @WoodyPTFA and Instagram @woodyptfa
Support your school, and your community
Charity No. 1139234